Hello Everyone,
It has been so long since I last posted something on my blog and I do apologize for that! How is everyone doing btw? =) Well I hope that all of you guys are doing great! As you can obviously see from reading my title, my life once again has come in between me and my blog. lol And as a heads up this will be a long post. *sigh* so where do I began?
Let's first start off with my dear boyfriend, Johnny. He joined the army got sent off to basic training in January and now realized that the military life isn't for him and wants out but there is no easy way out. To skip all the drama of (missing home, missing family and me, being depressed and regretting etc) he was able to find a way out =D We were able to communicate through phone calls and last thing I heard was that he was coming back in the middle of April. On Tuesday, March 15th I went to go visit his family after work. I usually chill with his sister, Jenica when I do. I tried calling her but she didn't answer. I get to his house and his mom opened the door and told me that Jenica was sleeping in Johnny's room and told me to go in there and wake her up. I walked up the stairs and opened his door, entering his room. I noticed that the computer was on and that there was someone laying there on the bed under the blanket . Not thinking anything of it I was like, "Sis..why didn't you pick up? I tried calling you 3 times." Suddenly the blanket flew up in the air and popped out my bald, super cheesing it..boyfriend XD I was so shock and surprised. As the day ended he asked me what did I want to do tomorrow, I told him that we should go visit my grandpa in the nursing home first thing. Johnny was like, "I knew you were going to say that." and smiled. I smiled, for once in a long time I felt happy again.

The very next day, Wednesday, March 16th I woke up early in the morning to go pick up Johnny. He was still sleeping so I ended up cuddling and falling a sleep with him lol I woke up at 9:25am with a missed call and 1 new voicemail. I told him to get ready now and that I can't wait to surprise my grandpa when he see's Johnny and I. I went to the bathroom and listened to my voicemail. It was my uncle..he was crying..and said, "Honey, it's your uncle..sweetheart..grandpa passed away this morning." The happiness I felt only yesterday had all but gone and disappeared by a split second. I told Johnny and cried in his arms for a good while. We still left to go see my grandpa..the whole family gathered there at the nursing home one last time to see him before they had to take him and embalm him. I just couldn't believe it and was in disbelief. My grandpa was doing well, a lot better than how he was before and was actually going through physical therapy/exercising again. Johnny had just come back and we were going to see him the very next day..we missed him only by a few hours! Its just not fair..how can God/Buddha/Whoever just sneak up behind us and take him a way like that? ='( Everything happens for a reason..Johnny came back right at the exact time and moment I would be needing him the most. And I am so thankful for that.
Since we had to wait for family from different states to fly in and also make funeral preparations the actual funeral didn't take place until Friday, March 25th for viewing and cremation and Saturday, March 26th for burial. In between that we had all these buddhist ceremonies going on for my grandpa as well. We were all so busy that I actually took 3-4 days off of work. I wanted to help out and ended up being in charge of making a video montage in memory of my grandpa =)
^ In Loving Memory of San Ngin
February 1, 1923 - March 16, 2011
Passed away peacefully in his sleep.
God bless you. A loving husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. We love you and miss you always!
^ Family Picture
^ The big urn is the one we buried, the second one is going to my grandpa's home country -Cambodia, and the little one is for my grandma to keep
^ On Wednesday, March 23rd was my sister, Tina's 30th Birthday
^ The family surprised Tina for her birthday and took her to eat some pizza at Pier 49 Pizza
For any of you who actually stayed to the end of this post..WOW and thank you for taking the time to read this novel. I'm going to finish this off with a picture of my grandpa and I taken a while back probably when I was 14-15 years old. I remember I was like, "Tha! (grandpa) Jeanine wants to take a picture with you!" So I sat on the bed with him and swung his arm around me and took the picture with my little disposable camera =D Miss you and Love you so much Tha!

XoxO, Nini